Reflect: One Sin

“If one note in the organ be out of key, or harsh in tone, it mars the whole tune. All the other reeds may be in harmony; but the one defective reed destroys the sweetness of all the rest. In every tune it makes discord somewhere. Its noise jars out into every other note. And so one sin destroys the harmony of a whole life. A boy or girl may be obedient, industrious, and honest; but ill-temper is a jarring reed that touches every grace with chill and discord. Let every affection and every thought and every word and every action, be right; then there is music in the life.” —Unknown

Excerpt from Grades 2-8 / Lesson 1: What Is Music?

Published by ~Melissa

Homeschooling mom of 5 girls (2 married) and Mimi (Grandma) to 4, by God's grace in northern Iowa. Life is always changing...ever seeking God's will in each new day.

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