Counselor Teresa’s Helps

Shared here are resources that our SonLight Education Ministry counselor Teresa Kodimer has worked to develop to share with you.

Teresa not only does counseling for SonLight Education Ministry, but is also a True Education Instructor at Uchee Pines Institute.

I am now available for working with families here (at Uchee Pines) for short seminars on how to use SonLight’s curriculum for home education.

Cost- housing, meals, instruction. RV’s, camping during Spring summer optional

In addition to my contact information on the Counselors Page,  I can be contacted at the Uchee Pines phone number 334-855-4764 extension 7012.

TERESA’S YouTube video channel – Teresa has recorded videos on sharing True Education with the SEM curriculum.

UCHEE PINES EDUCATION SEMINAR (Building For Eternity) – In the fall of 2016, Uchee Pines put on an Education Seminar.  Teresa and her daughter Kimberly (another SonLight counselor) were working there and helped to organize the seminar.  Speakers include Dr. Mark Sandoval, Kimberly Kodimer, Teresa Kodimer and Joshua White.

UCHEE PINES EDUCATION SEMINAR (Building for Eternity 2017)  Follow this link, click onto the playlists and look for the Education Seminar 2017.

Need a speaker on True Education?  Teresa is open to traveling to share True Education Seminars with your your church, when time permits her to get away from her other duties at Uchee Pines. Please contact her directly on her availability and costs to make this happen.

Need a mentor?  Teresa has visited with families in their homes to share how to create a lifestyle of learning using True Education methods, when time permits her to get away from her other duties at Uchee Pines.  Please contact her directly on her availability and costs to make this happen.

Common Sense Psychology Materials –  Available through Teresa, please contact her for pricing and availability. 
Lois Eggers M.A., M.F.C.C. started a ministry many years ago called CSP or Common Sense Psychology Foundation. Lois worked in the prison system for over 17 years helping prisoners understand how to make better choices using their mind faculties. Her study of the books, Mind, Character and Personality were a big help in putting her training program together. Lois went around to churches also putting on her lectures and that is where I learned about her ministry. I purchased her two syllabus’s and five felt sets and was blessed so much especially from the Creative Parenting Seminar. Well the years have flown by since that time and I searched for a way to get her material once again to help families homeschooling.
Common Sense Psychology Syllabus
Creative Parenting Syllabus
CD set with many of Lois Eggers presentations.
5 Felt sets that go with the Creative Parenting Syllabus